Price war between smartphone makers in India is becoming more prevalent day-by-day. Now Motorola have understood the pricing strategy of smartphone makers. Tagging the pricing between Rs. 5000 to Rs. 8000/- is becoming golden rule to win you and me, why?

Because, we love to change our taste frequently! and that’s why we don’t want to spend more on phones!

Tomorrow, 19th September, 2016 at 23:59 hrs IST (Indian Standard Time), Motorola is going to launch Moto E3.

What’s the catch of Moto E3?

  • Long Battery!
  • Big on Entertainment! with better Camera
  • Big on Screen!

Now, What will be the price?

There are lots of hype around regarding price of Moto E3. Can’t say the price until 19th September, 2016 at 23:59 hrs IST (Indian Standard Time). Stay tuned!