Credit cards have revolutionized the traditional way of purchasing goods and paying for services. By borrowing credit beyond your affordability, you can buy movie tickets, purchase groceries, book flight tickets, pay dining expenses, withdraw cash etc., without any worries or concerns. But that is not all, you can even go ahead and pay your mundane yet critical bills using your credit card. Axis Bank offers this advantage on its range of credit cards, whereby you can loan money on your card to clear your bills. This includes paying your postpaid mobile bill, gas bill, electricity bill, landline bill etc.
What is the process of using your Axis credit card to pay utility bills?
To avail the Axis Bank credit card bill payment advantage to pay your utility bills, you need to follow the steps mentioned below-
Postpaid mobile bill payment using Axis Credit Card
- Visit the Axis Bank official website
- Create an Axis Bank account, and log in using your credentials
- Go to the ‘Payments-Pay Bills’ tab
- Click on the ‘Add New Biller’ option
- From the list, choose your mobile’s postpaid service provider
- Enter the mobile bill details along with the amount to be paid
- Click on the ‘proceed’ option
- Choose Axis Bank credit card payment as your mode of payment
- Click on the ‘proceed’ option
- Enter the OTP you receive to validate the transaction
- Click ‘confirm’
Electricity Bill Payment using Axis Credit Card
Visit the Axis Bank official website
- Create an Axis Bank account, and log in using your credentials
- Go to the ‘Payments-Pay Bills’ tab
- Click on the ‘Add New Biller’ option
- From the list, choose your electricity service provider
- Enter the electricity bill details along with the amount to be paid
- Click on the ‘proceed’ option
- Choose Axis Bank credit card payment as your mode of payment
- Click on the ‘proceed’ option
- Enter the OTP you receive to validate the transaction
- Click ‘confirm’
Gas Bill Payment using Axis Credit Card
- Visit the Axis Bank official website
- Create an Axis Bank account, and log in using your credentials
- Go to the ‘Payments-Pay Bills’ tab
- Click on the ‘Add New Biller’ option
- From the list, choose your gas service provider
- Enter the gas bill details along with the amount to be paid
- Click on the ‘proceed’ option
- Choose Axis Bank credit card payment as your mode of payment
- Click on the ‘proceed’ option
- Enter the OTP you receive to validate the transaction
- Click ‘confirm’
Landline Bill Payment using Axis Credit Card
- Visit the Axis Bank official website
- Create an Axis Bank account, and log in using your credentials
- Go to the ‘Payments-Pay Bills’ tab
- Click on the ‘Add New Biller’ option
- From the list, choose your landline service provider
- Enter the landline bill details along with the amount to be paid
- Click on the ‘proceed’ option
- Choose Axis Bank credit card payment as your mode of payment
- Click on the ‘proceed’ option
- Enter the OTP you receive to validate the transaction ·
- Click ‘confirm’
Why should you pay your utility bills using Axis credit card?
There are several advantages of paying utility bills using Axis credit card. These include-
- You can use the Axis Bank credit card payment facility to pay all your bills by linking multiple billers to your credit card accoun
- It is a secure means of paying your utility bills and you can keep a track of all your earlier bills in one place.
- If you are low on funds, the credit card helps you use the credit available on your card to pay your bills and maintain your credit score.
- Axis credit card bill payment offers the opportunity to earn rewards which can later be used to purchase branded merchandise and gift vouchers from partner merchants.
- Paying your bills using Axis credit card also helps you save more through cashback and discounts using the amazing offers you get after every transaction.
- The facility of Axis credit card bill payment offers the opportunity to set up standing instructions to charge the utility bill directly from the Axis credit card every month. This saves the hassle of late payments and penalties. You can set up these instructions by calling up the Axis bank credit card customer care.
While paying your bills using your credit card is easy, it attracts a small transaction fee and can only be availed if the biller is registered with Axis Bank. While most popular billers are registered, it might be wise to check if your biller is registered too. You can find it from the biller list available on the official website so that you too can enjoy this advantage.