Google Translate is a easy and FREE way to translate not only copy paste text but also hosted document formatted as .doc, .docx, .odf, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .ps, .rtf, .txt, .xls, or .xlsx.
How to translate Spanish to English PDF file or translate Spanish to English?
Estimate Cost : 0 INR
Time Needed : 02 minutes
Here is the detailed steps to translate from one language to another one.
Translate English PDF file into Spanish
Go to and enter the file’s URL into the left-hand textbox
Step 2
Choose “Spanish” as the target language on the right
The link shown in the right-hand textbox will take you to the translated version of the PDF file
- A tool needed to do the task is
- File format .doc, .docx, .odf, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .ps, .rtf, .txt, .xls, or .xlsx