Twitter is more than a chirping bird. Recent news shows that Twitter is lovelier than Google. In June nearly 21 million unique visitors flocked around Twitter resulting 14% growth over the month of May traffic, according to Nielsen Online. Keeping view with the growth trend, Twitter is not sitting aside adding new features, goodies day in day out.
1. Twitter 101 for Business…
Recently Twitter has launched “Twitter 101 for Business”, a must have guide for business organizations. Twitter 101 for Business guides how effectively you can raise awareness, increasing sales, measure results with twitter. Featured Case Studies is the inspiration for business organization to be with Twitter.
2. New Twitter Home Page…
Within a week Twitter home page will face a new makeover. Twitter co-founder Biz Stone said in a recent interview that
Our front page is not reflective of that right now. We want it to show us as a place where people can discover what is going on in real-time and much more.
As per Stone’s note the new Twitter homepage will feature popular subjects, tweets and more.
There is no doubt Twitter founder’s are thinking more on it.