wordpress-sshotWordPress is a well known semantic personal publishing platform. If you have your WordPress blog then, you will find numerous number of spam comments are been filtered by Akismet WordPress Plug-in, whether you are using free WordPress blog or hosted WordPress blog.

Now, if you look at my blog Espreson, then you can guess what I want to say. Just look.


Can you imagine! And not only that, this number is increasing day-by-day. So, what to do with this number? As I’m browsing over Akismet I got some good phrase, lets me share it.

We can’t stand spam.

Who can? You have better things to do with your life than deal with the underbelly of the internet.

That’s the whole thing. Spam will be there, but we have to fight against it. We have to make our WordPress immune system so strong that we get rid of this spam virus. It is challenge for both WordPress and its users.

So, WordPress spam management is our concern.

Beside Akismet WordPress Plug-in I use another plug-in called, WP-SpamFree which has given good result stopping comment spam into my WordPress blog. WP-SpamFree works fine without any CAPTCHA’s or Challenge questions in comment form. It works fine with Akismet.

But, this plugin is design to stop automated comment spam (which accounts for over 90% of comment spam), but it doesn’t stop human comment spam.

from, WebGeek

Now I don’t find any comment spam waiting in Akismet Spam bar in my wordpress dashboard.defensio-works-sshot

There is another WordPress plug-in called, Defensio which also helps in spam filtering with a high level. I haven’t tried it but, it works fine fighting spam. Defensio claims on its performance as,


So, to have better Comment Spam Management for your WordPress blog I want to include a poll on it. This will help you understand and fight against comment spam in better way. Here it is.