Word of Mouth Marketing is considered as most effective tool of advertising. Why? In Word of Mouth marketing real people like you and me is engaging in conversation about a product and service.
It is the art and science of building active, mutually beneficial consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-marketer communications.
Courtesy: WOMMA
Now, utilizing the power of this robust weapon to market a product and service has got new dimension with the evolution of Blog. Because Brand Blogging is considered one of Word of Mouth Marketing techniques.
So, Why choose Blog as a weapon to advertise your product and service?
- First of all, as a blog is one form of Word of Mouth Marketing, value of blog advertising is much higher than other marketing methods. Because, here also real people is talking about product or service.
- Blog is a dynamic—usually blogs are updated in frequent basis and that is why advertisement and links on blog get noticed sooner in search engines.
- Today there are numerous number of highly read blogs and that means if you choose blog as your advertisement weapon then you will get access of large number of traffic through that blog’s readership
- Blog Advertising is attractive due to its cost effectiveness
- Search Engine Optimization(SEO) benefits of blog by getting quality back links, deep links, quicker search engine index
Recently, I’m going across PayingPost(where advertiser gets quality traffic through the channel of quality blog) and found some interesting lines in its posts and pages. Like:
Why is blog advertising better than banner ads and other more obvious forms of Internet advertising?
Because blog posts are real people talking about your products. People readers enjoy hearing the opinions of on everything from what they did that morning to the new gadget or product they’ve tried. Instead of gimmicky catch phrases and flashy symbols they get to read relaxed posts that are written by people just like them about products they are bound to enjoy because they fit the profile you set up to make sure the posts are targeted to the right individuals.
One post by PayingPost’s Blog—22 reasons why blog advertising is the best promoting method, gives lots of valuable insights of blog advertising.
So, Effectiveness of Blog Advertising as Word of Mouth Marketing Tool lies under the definition of Word of Mouth Marketing. Because blog is people powered.