Government of West Bengal has came up with an initiative to crunch the job seekers job hunting headache by forming Employment Bank. It’s a joint initiative by the Labour Department and the Information Technology Department, Government of West Bengal with active support from the Higher Education Department and the Technical Education & Training Department.

Today, 26th July 2012, the auspicious day when Honorable Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamata Bannerjee is going to flag-off the Employment Bank.

What is Employment Bank?

A unique platform where “job-seekers”, the “employers” and the “placement agencies” will meet together through the Employment Bank Portal ( Respective person (job-seekers, employers and placement agencies) can enroll at free of cost providing related information by filling up an online form.

This initiative will help lots of employed and unemployed person to find jobs easily through the portal. So, just register yourself and get going.

IMPORTANT: This article/news is for information purpose. has no relation with Employment Bank of West Bengal Government. If you are a reader who is seeking Job. please mind to register yourself at portal ->