There are many ways to make money from a blog, that can be from paid post reviews, affiliate links, PPC programs, sponsorship, etc. But, making money with Amazon Kindle Publishing for Blogs is a new breed. With this publishing tool your blog post got new space to get noticed and read by readers. And the much amazing fact is you get royalty for your blog content. So, the much hyped, “content is king” is going to rule over here. If your blog is packed with quality posts which information seekers are looking for, then your content is going to generate good amount of money upon subscription from Amazon’s so called Kindle Store.
What is Amazon Kindle?
Basically Amazon Kindle is a portable e-books and other digital media reader. This gadget lets you download and read books, blogs, magazines, and newspapers from Kindle Store. Amazon’s Whispernet(wireless delivery system) is the backbone of delivering the content for this device wirelessly.
What is Amazon Kindle Publishing for Blogs?
Amazon Kindle Publishing for Blogs is an unique self-publishing platform, that lets you upload and sale your blog in the Kindle Store. Basically, your blog RSS/Atom Feed get accessed by the Amazon Kindle.
How do you make money with the Kindle Publishing for blogs?
Simple, just create a Kindle Publishing for Blogs account and add your blog to be published in Kindle store. If your blog is accepted by Amazon then you will find your blog listed as Kindle edition at Kindle store. Now, if someone subscribe your blog, then you get paid 30% of the monthly subscription price. To know visit the Kindle Publishing Help Center.
Now, the question is, will the Kindle Publishing stand out for me? Just drive into the Kindle Blogs & News Feeds, you will get your answer.
What do you think?