Just never without my favorite, favorite animated classic adventurer character in the whole world “Mowgli” is going to hit our little hearts once again. But, this time it will be on big screen, not on our TVs.
I could remember those rosy-beautiful days of childhood, when every Sunday “Mowgli” used to aired on TV, here in India. I couldn’t remember, whether I had missed any episode that time. Really, loved and enjoyed watching.
If we compare “Mowgli” vs todays cartoon character, then “Mowgli” will be the winner. Because, it’s nature and human which lives together in “Mowgli” with adventures jungle life. And we – human being has always natural tendency to incline towards nature.
[bs_well size=”md”]If you haven’t watched or read Rudyard Kipling’s, [eafl id=6909 name=”The Jungle Book – Amazon Search Result Aff” text=”The Jungle Book”] and its main character “Mowgli” then, you must do it once. Sure, you will really enjoy and love it.[/bs_well]
or you can take a deep snap, because “The Jungle Book” will hit live in theaters in 3D on April 15, 2016. As per news the movie will be packed with full of photorealistic CGI (Computer-generated imagery) animals and environments and that, today’s generation will love it watching.
Just for now, watch the teaser: